MOTUC Vs. DCUC Available NOW And More MOTUC News…Review-Or returns from the depths with the latest MOTUC News! First off the latest in the now canceled MOTUC Vs. DCUC two packs are available RIGHT NOW as you read this at toysrus.com (put masters of the universe in the search to go right to them). The two packs available currently are Zodac/Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and She-Ra/Supergirl. Currently unavailable is Faker/Bizarro however since it’s the last set from the line it’s sure to turn up at some point either at TRU’s website or in their brick and mortar stores. As you can see from the photo this version of Zodac is slightly different than Matty’s online offering and closer the Filmation style than the vintage action figure. He features the human foot shaped boots and white gloves he wore on the series. There’s a rumor going ’round that Zodac may indeed be Wun-Dar after he lays down the mantle of Savage He-Man and becomes a Cosmic Enforcer, if there’s credence to this rumor this version of Zodac would be the missing link in his evolutionary chain. The She-Ra figure from the two pack is less exciting since it’s not even a repaint, instead it’s the EXACT same figure as the online version minus the “classic” extra head and her comb/axe accessory. Still, if you’ve missed her before you may want to pick her up since her head can be swapped with Bubble Power She-Ra (coming soon!) to make the ultimate Filmation style She-Ra who will be able to ride the forthcoming Swift Wind considerably better than the original She-Ra figure. These packs are selling for $29.99 online, that’s ten dollars less than Entertainment Earth was selling them for at San Diego Comic Con where they debuted due to a shipping mix-up (Faker and Bizarro arrived at SDCC a little late) so those who missed them at the con can finally get them, and if you take advantage of the Free Shipping offer, you’ll get them for $10 bucks less than Comic Con attendees did. Also the Stratos/Hawkman and Mer-Man/Aquaman sets are still available along with the most sinister peg-warmers of them all Skeletor and Lex Luthor! So the only ones in the series NOT available currently are He-Man/Superman and Faker/Bizarro. Keep in mind that this line is officially canceled so this might be your last chance to pick up Masters of the Universe figures at retail for the foreseeable future. Speaking of the future, don’t forget that the Club Eternia Subscriptions are STILL available so if you’re tired of fighting with mattycollector.com every sale day you might think about getting your subscription before they’re gone which happens on August 14th! Here’s the link to all the subscriptions: http://www.mattycollector.com/store/matty/en_US/DisplayShopperDefinedBundlePage/OfferID.7476178009 Also ending soon is the All Star Sale, the best way to pick up some of the MOTUC heavy hitters like He-Man, Skeletor, Hordak and Evil-Lyn to name a few, here’s the link: http://www.mattycollector.com/store/matty/en_US/DisplayShopperDefinedBundlePage/OfferID.8036946909 Also, ever since the six 30th Anniversary figures were announced hardcore He-Fans and She-Ravers have been dismayed to learn that they are not included in the Club Eternia subscription…currently. ToyGuru has said he would look into making them available to Club Eternia Subscribers, so if you’re on the fence about the club, maybe knowing that will help you decide. Keep checking here for more developments, hopefully this can be confirmed or denied before Subs stop being sold. The MOTUC 30th Anniversary figures Include Draego-Man and Fearless Photog (both pictured below). Fearless Photog will have an interesting bio since Project Photog hints that there may have been some involvement with Major Matt Mason (The lead character of one of Mattel’s vintage lines about Space Exploration) not to mention the fact that Photog himself was the winner of the MOTUC design a character contest back in the 80’s but was never actually produced…better late than never! Also don’t forget the 2012 MOTU Create A Character Contest is still taking submissions so if you have an idea for a great MOTUC character now is the time to submit it! The winner not only gets over 20 samples of the figure they designed but they’ll also be part of Masters of the Universe history! All the details and rules can be found in the news section of mattycollector.com Until next time….Happy Hunting!
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