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MOTUC SDCC Reveals and Surprises!

Posted by: Review-Or at 11:17 am on Friday, July 29, 2011

Welcome to the dungeon of Review-Or! Here in the depths of Eternia you’ll find all sorts of exciting tidbits about Mattel’s Masters Of The Universe Classics! This is my first of what will hopefully be many blogs about what has become my favorite Action Figure line in almost four decades of collecting. However, enough pleasantries, as you probably already know San Diego Comic Con just wrapped up this past weekend so we have a lot of ground to cover so pull up a slab of concrete and chain yourself in, many prophecies have come true and many more have been written at this years SDCC. We’ll start with what we already knew about:

The Wind Raider

We knew we'd see The Wind Raider, what we didn't know was that the wings would be backwards.


Wind Raider Rear View

The wings are back to normal today!

This view shows how many of the details that were decals on the original are fully sculpted and painted parts of the new Wind Raider.  Also the addition of the removable circuitry hatch would make Duncan proud.



He-Man takes center stage at San Diego Comic Con!

We knew we’d get some larger than life character holding his power sword aloft, in previous years the honor has gone to King Grayskull, He-Ro and Prince Adam but now finally The Most Powerful Man in the Universe looms large over the attendees at San Diego Comic Con!

She-Ra and Swiftwind together at last!

The original MOTUC She-Ra figure riding Swift Wind…kinda…sorta.  But fear not, Bubble Power She-Ra (She-Ra 2.0) is coming and she’ll be a much better fit!

Though it was a bit last minute, we knew Entertainment Earth would be offering the DCUC VS. MOTUC Bizarro Vs. Faker 2 pack, but what we didn’t know was the other surprises this would lead to.

But more on that later, for now check out Battle Armor Faker, a lot of people wondered if he would come with his circuitry stampo which as you can see here, he does indeed.  Though I personally wanted the rolling barrel battle damage gizmo the original figures had, Faker takes advantage of the plate system here with a fourth level of armor damage!

And obviously we’d have a chance to purchase the Polly Pockets She-Ra set and long awaited Queen Marlena/Captain Glenn who came with the world’s most famous Fraidey Cat, Cringer.  Knowing Cringer, the mere thought of surprises worries him, so be brave because now we head deep into the unexpected!  Here’s all the stuff we DIDN’T know was going to happen at comic con!  Starting with arguably one of the most sought after exclusives ever: Battle Ground Teela…nope…not an action figure…a lovely model dressed as Battle Ground Teela, She would clearly be the jewel of any MOTUC collectors display. I mean come on, she’s cute as a button!

Unfortunately, most of us had to make do with…

A button…cute.

Luckily, the button wasn’t the only MOTUC freebie being handed out.  Those who attended the Mattypalooza Panel were given a free copy of the 1st new Mini-Comic!  Three will be released this coming year finally bringing the long awaited three part mini comic finale to it’s conclusion!

What is Project Photog?  Keep reading the bios, also some of those other names involved in this project may be major players in Eternia!

Mattel pulled out all the stops on their MOTUC display this year with a Pre-Ternia Ultimate Battle Ground complete with the Three Towers of Eternia!

Kinda takes you back to the old days when every figure had their own action feature, mini-comic and each vehicle had truly epic Box Art…speaking of which…

Yep! That’s the box art for the new Wind Raider!  Aside from being an awesome painting, could it possibly be teasing hints of vehicles and playsets to come?  I know, a Castle Grayskull in this line would be expensive and Mattel hasn’t really tackled anything of that scale for MOTUC…then again… At the Mattypalooza panel we DID get to vote on what color Granamyr the Dragon would be…

Personally, the fact that Granamyr will be made officially pushes MOTUC into “Better than my wildest dreams!” territory.  I’ve wanted…no…NEEDED this character since his first mini-comic appearance and now Mattel is working on him!  According to He-Man.org he’ll be hovering around $80.00 and I predict he’ll fly off the shelves anyway.  So the color choices at the panel were Red and Green, Red won obviously…which is odd because Granamyr only had red skin in the Filmation series.  But Mattel’s been swearing up and down that they don’t have the rights to Filmation characters? Odd.

Speaking of odd, how cool are these MOTU Rumblers?  These may never see production (like the Attitubes of the last few years) but were put in the case to gauge fan reaction, so if you want them; be extremely vocal about it! Get on every forum you can think of and demand them!  Personally, I’d love a set of about fifty of these in a display that could alternate between regular and black light.  These really capture how vibrant the overall MOTU look is.  If you push for them, they may happen.  It wasn’t that long ago that ToyGuru and the Four Horsemen put the MOTUC He-Man prototype in the display case to “gauge fan reaction” and looks what happened with that!  Here’s the others…

And now what everyone’s been waiting for…

Originally known as Flipshot in The New Adventures of He-Man, Icarius will be flying out in October.  Speaking of flying he looks familiar, maybe because he flies like Ice and doesn’t like Maverick because he’s dangerous.  He-Man can take to the skies with his new Wing Man right away because October is also when The Wind Raider will be released!

November has plenty to be thankful for with 200X inspired Battleground Evil-Lyn, complete with a new cape and silverfox hair do!  But this is just the appetizer, November is a feast which also brings Snout Spout, the subscribers only faction sticker sheet and Bubble Power She-Ra (She-Ra 2.0) to the table!

Interesting accessory Snout Spout is wielding there, looks like some type of Clamp. I wonder if we’ll be seeing that again anytime soon?

In December just in time for the holidays we’re getting someone old, green and nasty.  No, not the Grinch but someone He-Fans and She-Ravers have been wanting for a long time!

That’s right, finally a Demo-Man to fight your Vikor!  And check out that awesome Mini Comics/Alcala artwork inspired Skeletor Head!  Here’s hoping if Oo-Larr ever gets made, he’ll have a similar one for He-Man!

Here’s how it looks on the Skeletor Body, the mini comics incarnate!  What a great way to end 2011, but that just means it’s time for 2012 and The 30th Anniversary of Masters of the Universe!  Who better to kick off this momentous year than one of the most iconic characters in the entire legacy!  The fan demand for this character has been through the roof and finally in January SHE is on her way!

Notice that her version of Zoar is slightly different in color scheme to the one that came with the original MOTU Teela.  Speaking of female warriors, He-Fans have been spoiled with tons of previously unreleased characters He-Ro, Vikor, King Grayskull etc. now it’s She-Ravers turn to get some figures that never made it past concept art in the original POP line. Yes, January finally brings us The Star Sisters complete with Glory Bird!

Fear not He-Fans, February brings Macho back with a man who celebrates Valentine’s Day with an Iron Fist!  You know him, you love him!  Man-At-Arms estranged brother himself: FISTO!

In March you’ll be wanting something Green and they don’t get much greener than Kobra Kahn!

But then, who’s gonna punish all the people that aren’t wearing green?  Why Thunder-Punch He-Man of course! Also available in March!

The hits just keep coming as we learned at the Mattypalooza panel that the Exclusive Club Eternia figure for 2012 would be none other than the Horde’s resident spellcaster herself Shadow Weaver!

But wait! There’s MORE!  To celebrate the 30th Anniversary six special figures will be released throughout the year including one designed by a fan from a long time ago…finally Fearless Photog will take his rightful place in your MOTUC collection!

Along with him, one of the other six was previewed as well.  The Four Horsemen created this one, and it shows.  Ladies and Gentleman take a good look at Draego-Man!

It was also revealed that one of the six characters could potentially be created by…YOU!

Some lucky fan will have his creation turned into a new MOTUC character!  For more information on this, figure release dates and pricing of the Club Eternia Subscription (The ONLY way to get Shadow Weaver!!! Available through August 4th!) go to mattycollector.com!  

Thanks for reading my debut blog, I’ll keep looking for news and dredging it up here when I find it! until next time, good luck in your next harrowing battle with The White Screen of Death!

Your Pal in the Dungeon,



About the Author: Review-Or
Review-Or has been collecting Masters of the Universe action figures since they first became available in the early 80's. He's stuck with He-Man through his lowest points (MeteOrbs, New Adventures, Disco Skeletor, Smash Blade He-Man etc.) and he's happily reaping the rewards of the new golden age in MOTU collecting: Masters of the Universe Classics! When he's not in his dungeon writing about the latest MOTUC news, he's more than likely taking a figure out of the package and finding some cool way to display it! In his off time this mysterious contributor to AFHUB.COM enjoys counting calories and revising his ever-expanding Enemies List!



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