Mattel Makes It's Point At NYTF!
Mattel has some major revelations for fans at NYTF! Read the skinny below and for more pictures go here:
Toy Fans,
One of the biggest shows of the year is happening as you read this… New York Toy Fair! Although this is an industry-only event, I couldn’t wait to share what’s in store for 2012*. Photos for many of these items are not yet available, but you can click here to see the ones we’ve got so far. Toy Guru will be adding more to our Facebook page as he gets them, so keep an eye out there.
First up, the highlights from the show, including some of our most highly anticipated items:
Justice League Unlimited
Big news! The final 3-packs are coming in fall 2012! One new pack will arrive each month starting around July/August at a price of only $30 each!!! The REALLY great news is those packs will also include Dr. Destiny and Firefly from the dropped 6-pack! How did we make this happen? The Mattycollector.com team is just that good and the fans are just that loyal! Don’t hesitate to get them when you see them because these will be the FINAL JLU items from Mattel — no additional figures have been developed.
Back to the Future Hover Board
Finally! This totally awesome 1:1 replica of the hover board from the BTTF 2 and BTTF 3 films includes multiple whooshing sounds and will glide over most surfaces (does not actually “hover” – check back in 2015 for that feature). We’ll be taking orders for it March 1 – March 20, 2012, and the final product will be shipped around November/December 2012. Because this is such a high-cost item, there will be a minimum number of orders required to go into production. If we don’t receive the minimum orders, won’t go into production and customers will not be charged. The price will be announced later this month. (Note: Hover board does not work on water.)
Movie Masters® The Dark Knight Rises™
Batmanâ„¢, Catwoman and Bane were all revealed. Get all six figures in the series to build a brand new Batsignal that really works!
Masters of the Universe®
Along with the list below, new figures revealed at the show include the 30th Anniversary Series figure design by DC Comics chief creative officer Geoff Johns!
DC Universe Club Infinite Earths
We revealed the latest figures and the all-new packaging at long last, including Atrocitus, Starman, Flash 1, club-exclusive Metron with Mobius Chair, and Black Mask.
Ready for more? Read on for the complete list of products you can expect to see soon*!
Voltron® at MattyCollector.com
* Blazing Sword Voltron: Available 2/15 only at MattyCollector.com
* Red Lion & Lance: Available 2/15 only at MattyCollector.com
* Yellow Lion & Hank: Available 4/16 only at MattyCollector.com
* Green Lion & Pidge: Available 6/15 only at MattyCollector.com
* Blue Lion & Allura: Available 8/15 only at MattyCollector.com
* Black Lion & Keith: Available 10/15 only at MattyCollector.com
* Sven: Available 8/15 only to Club Lion Force subscribers
JLU 3-Packs at MattyCollector.com
These will be the final figures in the beloved JLU series! All available fall 2012 only at MattyCollector.com:
* Blue Beetle, Fire, Booster Gold
* Guy Gardner, Martian Manhunter, Batmanâ„¢ Classic Detective
* Vandal Savage, Batmanâ„¢, Future Supermanâ„¢
* Future Static, Aqua Girl, Micron
* Mongol, Wonder Woman, Batmanâ„¢
* Toyman, Dr. Destiny, Firefly
DCU Action League Mini 2-Packs Wave 5
* FlashPoint: Aquaman vs. Wonder Woman
* FlashPoint: Project Supermanâ„¢ and Batmanâ„¢
* FlashPoint: Cyborg and Element Woman
* FlashPoint: The Flash and Citizen Cold
DCU Action League Mini 2-Packs Wave 6
* Green Lantern with Giant Cannon Construct
* Larfleeze with Cobra Construct
* The Atom with Plastic Man Glider
* Batmanâ„¢ with HydroBat Sled
DC Universe Classics 6″ 2012 2-packs at Toys ‘R’ Us
* Yellow Lantern Hal and Blue Lantern Kyle Rayner
* Red Armor Azrael and Knightfall Battle Damaged Batmanâ„¢
DC Universe Club Infinite Earths Subscription Figures at MattyCollector.com
* Poison Ivy: date to be announced!
* Black Mask: date to be announced!
* Platinum and Tin: date to be announced!
* Flash 1: Available 4/16 2012 only at MattyCollector.com
* Metron with Mobius Chair: Available 4/16 only to subscribers of Club Infinite Earths
* Atrocitus: Available 5/15 only at MattyCollector.com
* Starman: Available 6/15 only at MattyCollector.com
* Mirror Master: Available 7/16 only at MattyCollector.com
DC Universe 2012 Figures
* The Flash (JLA)
* Supermanâ„¢ (JLA)
* Supergirl
Action League at Toys ‘R’ Us
* Minis Value Pack
2011 Young Justice Basic Figures, 4 ¼” Scale
* Kid Flash
* Aqualad
* Icicle Jr.
* Speedy
* Captain Atom
* Superboy
* Black Canary
* Sportsmaster
* Vandal Savage
* Robin (black and gray deco)
* Aqualad Stealth
* Kid Flash Stealth
* Kid Flash (Walmart deco)
* Aqualad (Walmart deco)
* Hall of Justice Diorama
* Supermanâ„¢
* Artemis
* Green Lantern
* Robin
2012 Young Justice Team-Up 2-Packs, 4 ¼” Scale
* Ra’s Al Ghul & Cheshire
* Flash & Kid Flash
* Martian Manhunter & Miss Martian
* Amazo Collect & Connect®
2012 Young Justice Figures, 6″ Scale
* Superboy (solar suit)
* Sportsmaster
* Kid Flash
* Batmanâ„¢
* Guardian
* Super Boy
Batmanâ„¢ Legacy Singles, 6″ Scale
* Batmanâ„¢ (“first appearance”)
* Catwoman
* Harley Quinn
* Nightwing
Batmanâ„¢ Legacy 2-Packs, 6″ Scale
* Batmanâ„¢ & Catwoman
* Batmanâ„¢ & Catwoman (black & white ad campaign redeco)
The Dark Knight Risesâ„¢ Movie Masters® Figures, 6″ Scale
* Batmanâ„¢
* Catwoman
* Bane
WWE® Legends at MattyCollector.com
* WWE® Legends Andre the Giant™: Available now only at MattyCollector.com
* WWE® Deluxe Superstar Display Stands: Available now only at MattyCollector.com
* WWE® Legends Diamond Dallas Page™: Available 4/2 only at MattyCollector.com
* WWE® Legends Bundy™: Available 5/21 only at MattyCollector.com
* WWE® Legends Arn Anderson™: Available 7/16 only at MattyCollector.com
WWE®Superstars #25-30
* Rey Mysterio®
* Dolph Zigglerâ„¢
* Zack Ryderâ„¢
* The Mizâ„¢
* Alex Rileyâ„¢
* Mark Henryâ„¢
WWE® Battle Pack® Figures Series 15
* Brie Bellaâ„¢ & Nikki Bellaâ„¢
* Sin Caraâ„¢ vs. Daniel Bryanâ„¢
* John Cena® vs. The Rock®
WWE® Elite Collection
* Series 13
o Dolph Zigglerâ„¢
o Cody Rhodesâ„¢
o Rey Mysterio®
o King Sheamusâ„¢
o Edge® – Flashback
o Big Show®
* Series 14
o John Cena®
o The Rock®
o Undertaker®
o Alberto Del Rioâ„¢
o Big Boss Man™ – Flashback
o Booker T® – Flashback
* Series 15
o Sin Caraâ„¢
o Rey Mysterio®
o R-Truthâ„¢
o Evan Bourneâ„¢
o Yokozunaâ„¢
o Mark Henryâ„¢
WWE® Best of Pay-Per-View Figures at Toys ‘R’ Us
* John Cena® – Over the Limit™ 2011
* Rey Mysterio® – Royal Rumble® 2011
* Christian® – Capital Punishment 2011
* Mark Henry™ – Money In The Bank™ 2011
WWE® Best of Pay-Per-View Elite Collection at Toys ‘R’ Us
* John Cena® – WrestleMania® 27
* Triple H® – WrestleMania® 27
* Daniel Bryan™ – SummerSlam® 2010
* Bret Hart™ – SummerSlam® 2010
Masters of the Universe® Classics at MattyCollector.com
* Temple of Darkness Sorceress®: Available at NYCC, Power Con and on Mattycollector.com in late 2012
* Fistoâ„¢: Available 2/15 only at MattyCollector.com
* Shadow Weaver™: Available 2/15 only to subscribers of 2012 Club Eternia®
* Kobra Kahnâ„¢: Available 3/15 at MattyCollector.com
* Thunder Punch™ He-Man®: Available 4/16 at MattyCollector.com, includes Issue 1 of the all-new 30th Anniversary mini-comic!
* Stinkor®: Available 5/15 at MattyCollector.com
* Snake Mountainâ„¢ Stands: Available 5/15 at MattyCollector.com
* Slush Headâ„¢: Available 5/15 at MattyCollector.com
* Griffin: Available 6/15 at MattyCollector.com (note revised avail date)
* Horde Prime: Available 6/15 at MattyCollector.com
* Snake Man-at-Arms®: Available 6/15 at MattyCollector.com, includes Issue 2 of the all-new 30th Anniversary mini-comic!
* Spikorâ„¢: Available 7/16 at MattyCollector.com
* Snake Menâ„¢ 2-Pack: Available 7/16 at MattyCollector.com
* Frostaâ„¢: Available 9/15 at MattyCollector.com (NOTE: Frosta is running late so there will be no August 2012 Club Eternia® “basic” figure. Instead, much like February, there will be two figures in September. The second September figure will be revealed at a later date.
MOTU 30th Anniversary Series at MattyCollector.com
* Draego-Manâ„¢: Available 4/16 only at MattyCollector.com
* The Mighty Spectorâ„¢: Available 5/15 only at MattyCollector.com (note revised avail date)
* Sir Laser Lot: Available 8/15 only at MattyCollector.com
Ghostbustersâ„¢ 12″ Scale at MattyCollector.com
* Movie Masters® Mega Figures Winston Zeddemore & Peter Venkman: Available only at MattyCollector.com
* Movie Masters® Mega Figures Ray Stantz & Egon Spengler: Available only at MattyCollector.com
Ghostbustersâ„¢ 6″ Scale at MattyCollector.com
* Ray Stantz
* Winston Zeddemore
* Peter Venkman
* Egon Spengler (with books)
* “Ready to Believe You” Peter Venkman (with Taxi Cab Ghost)
* The Rookie: Available April 2012 only at MattyCollector.com
* Dana as Zuul: Availability date to be announced!
Back to the Future at MattyCollector.com
* BTTF Prop Replica Hover Board: Available for pre-order March 1 – March 20, 2012, and shipping November/December 2012 (subject to receiving minimum number of orders; price to be announced in February)
Disney • Pixar Cars Singles
* Flash (Super Chase)
* Long Ge (Super Chase)
* Becky Wheelin at Airport (Chase)
* Prince Wheeliam (Chase)
* Lightning McQueen’s Super Fan (Chase)
Disney • Pixar Cars “Oversized”
* Funny Car (Dragster) Mater
* The Queen
* Taco Truck Mater
* JPN TV Screen Truck
Alright, toy fans, that’s everything for now. Again, keep checking my Facebook page because Toy Guru will be posting images there as he gets them. And don’t forget to click here to see what we’ve got so far!
*Please Note: as always, the products, product names, designs, and availability are subject to change.
**Don’t forget that The Sorceress, Fisto, Fearless Photog and Voltron’s Right Arm (Red Lion and Pilot) go on sale February 15th!
About the Author: Review-Or
Review-Or has been collecting Masters of the Universe action figures since they first became available in the early 80's. He's stuck with He-Man through his lowest points (MeteOrbs, New Adventures, Disco Skeletor, Smash Blade He-Man etc.) and he's happily reaping the rewards of the new golden age in MOTU collecting: Masters of the Universe Classics! When he's not in his dungeon writing about the latest MOTUC news, he's more than likely taking a figure out of the package and finding some cool way to display it! In his off time this mysterious contributor to AFHUB.COM enjoys counting calories and revising his ever-expanding Enemies List!