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Lt. Clutch

More Than Meets The Wallet
Posted by: Lt. Clutch at 11:21 pm on Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sometime in the future, the surviving members of Generation X will be shooting the breeze at some futuristic retirement home, talking about all the cool TV shows, films, music, and junk food that the 1980’s delivered, much like their grandparents reminisced about Babe Ruth, John Wayne, and Glenn Miller. But what of the toys? Our […]

New Horizons
Posted by: Lt. Clutch at 8:15 am on Monday, November 21, 2011

By 1983, the Golden Age of action figures was up and running. Kids and collectors could choose from a plethora of genres ranging from science fiction, (Star Wars’ concluding chapter, Return of the Jedi would premiere in May) military, (Hasbro’s successful relaunch of G.I. Joe as “modern army” heroes)  fantasy, (Masters of the Universe, Advanced […]

Switching Gears
Posted by: Lt. Clutch at 6:33 pm on Thursday, October 13, 2011

Adult toy collectors face several pitfalls while attempting to enjoy their hobby when compared to our childhood days. Finances are a biggie seeing how work, family responsibilities, and relationships in general didn’t factor in as much when we were kids. Our closest relatives bought most of the stuff we collected and we would store it […]




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