Every video game fan must have at one point in their lives played “Final Fight” by Capcom. Touted as the “cousin” of the more popular Street Fighter, Final Fight is a classic beat ’em up game that is set in the same SF continuity. There are several characters in the game and today, we are featuring 2 of them as rendered in plastic by Dodge Beltran (known online by most as Grundy).
Mike “Macho” Haggar
– is a former professional wrestler who becomes the mayor of Metro City. He first appeared in another game called Saturday Night Slam Masters but gained more popularity in Final Fight. He has also made cameo appearances in Street Fighter. His signature moves include the Backdrop, the Piledriver and the Spinning Clothesline. His favorite weapon is the lead pipe.
Recipe for Haggar
Head: SOTA SF Balrog (heavily re-sculpted with Apoxie)
Body: SOTA SF T-Hawk (re-sculpted traps and pecs)
Hands: SOTA SF M.Bison
Legs: SOTA SF Balrog (sculpted calves)
Boot Cuffs and Feet: Hulk Classics Joe Fix-it
- Pipe- from fodder bin
- Belt- Strap from Ladies shoes (Grundy credits his wife who hooked him up with them)
Cody Travers
– appeared in both Final Fight and Street Fighter. In the original Final Fight, Cody teams up with Mike Haggar to rescue his girlfriend, Jessica (who also happens to be Haggar’s daughter). He is a martial arts expert and is especially good with knives.
Recipe for Cody
Head: SOTA SF Ken (Alpha) head (hair was re-sculpted)
Body: SOTA SF Guile (muscle shirt dremmeled down)
Hands: SOTA SF Adon
Legs: SOTA SF Guile
Boot Cuffs: SOTA SF T-Hawk (trimmed to fit Guile’s calves)
Feet: SOTA SF Guile (re sculpted to make them look more like sneakers)
- Knife- (taken from Moore Action Collectibles Nottingham’s accessories)
WIP shots
We will be featuring more of Grundy’s latest customs soon.
In the meantime, check out some of Grundy’s past work here:
dodge…simply amazing
Very nice indeed, is any of your custom/works for sale? if it is, i will certainly pay, plaese e-mail me when you have the time- Awesome stuff!
Mighty Impressive Grundy!
I wish i could reach your painting skills asap.
man they look great, i was just wondering how you pop off they legs for the haggar figure? i am making my own and would like a tip, please email me calvin_cheung@juno.com
Hi, How I can request this players? I would like buy.
I live in Brazil.
Wait for your answer.
I’m an old Final Fight fan, and would really like to acquire one copy of your Haggar. Would that be possible? As the guy above me, I also live in Brazil.
Thanks a lot.
Hi there! You should pay more attention to your business in Brazil ’cause you seem to have a lot of customers there. I am a Brazilian as well and I would also like to have some information about your custom figures as well (particulary Cody).
You did an amazing job with the parts of other figures. I looks like an official Sota release (or even better)
Congratulations !!!
Great customs, do you take comissions, I really want to make a Guile for my collection.
i want that cody!!
how can i buy it? please i want to buy it and haggar too
good job bro
see ya
nice work bro, i’m gonna say it again, that haggar is flawless, can’t wait for your more updated pics for these 2 (and 2 other final fight characters), i’m bookmarkin’ this for referrence, btw the packaged picture you posted a few days ago look like a work of a pro…i don’t think sota can’t do better.
hey i want to buy that cody travers..
please im a final fight fan and that cody and haggar are awesome.. i want them on my collection..
how can I buy them???
How many coast Haggar and coats to custostomize?
i would like buy .Do you do it on demand?
how many coast to cusotmized?
how many coast?
que excelentes figuras de accion las vendes cuanto cuestan te las compro me hiciste recordar mi infancia y adolecencia tienes las figuras de poison y de las otras versiones del juego y no tienes de casualidad las de darck stalkers y cadillac y cuanto cuestan por favor ponganle el precio y ojala me las puedaas vender tendran un lugar especial en mi vitrina de figuras de accion ademas que me traeran recuerdos cada que volte a verlas yo soy de veracruz pero redico actual mente en cancun quintana roo y soy uno de tus mas fervientes admiradores de tu trabajo de verdad me intereza mucho tener esas figuras espero me las puedas vender
felicidades es usted un autentico artista,estas figuras son autenticas obras de arte,recientemente vi la figura de hugo andore hecha por usted y es una maravilla.vende usted figuras por encargo?si la respuesta es si vaya reservandome un hugo para mi.
these items as far as i know are not for sale there just for showcasing the artist skill’s it’s a shame “sota” won’t put these on the market i’m a big fan of “final fight as well! i’m also starting my own toy action figure line up with “haggar”-accessories(pipe}(steak)(barbecue)(hamburger)(hotdog)(tires)(beer-A} “cody”-accessories(knife)(billboard}(softdrink-A)(pizza)(apple)(chicken) “guy”-accessories(kitana)(orange)(banana)(tel-booth)(sushi) “damnd”-accessories{dollar)(pineapple)(wiskey) and so forth for more info checkout (187charger)devisntart.com
how much do you want for cody?
We would like to buy the figurines and kindly ask if the designer is interested in mass productions of similar game themed designed figurines in Japan.
Please email me for more information.
[…] tip: AFHUB via […]